5 Ways to Cross that Road without Chicken Skin
How to deal with Keratosis Pilaris (not so affectionately referred to as “chicken skin”)
Unfortunately, I have yet to find one single thing that gets rid of chicken skin, but I have found a number of things that work well together to completely and totally get rid of it… um, mostly. But you have to do it all the time, as a maintenance thing.
1. Cod liver oil. When I take cod liver oil daily, with the essential fatty acids and the vitamin A that naturally comes with it, it reduces my dry and/or irritated skin all around, and in particular my chicken skin. The amount of vitamin A naturally occurring is safe, but if you are taking any other supplements with vitamin A in them, make sure to consult with your trusted healthcare provider. I like Carlson’s lemon flavor liquid. It’s good quality and affordable enough to give daily to the whole family. Keep it in the fridge. We take a tablespoon (more like a soup spoon fished out of the silverware drawer) every day or every other day. It helps with all sorts of stuff but we are discussing chicken skin right now…
2. Drink lots of water. Duh.
3. Don’t eat things you have sensitivity to. You know, those foods that you are kind of allergic to, but you eat them anyway just because you love them? Like cheese, melon, avocado, or maybe eggplant? It’s no big deal because you just get a little itchy for a minute, or a little bloated in the tummy, and then it goes away. It is also likely that it contributes to general inflammation in your body. Red itchy bumps on your skin, well that’s inflammation so.. I’m not telling you what to do, I’m not even telling you what I do, (as she spreads avocado on her gluten-free flatbread) but, be aware that it is likely to contribute to the bumpy skin. Often when people do elimination diets, the bumps go away. Just sayin’.
4. Anti-inflammatory stuff. There is much discussion about keratosis pilaris and how it is genetic and a nutrient deficiency (particularly vitamin A) and it is an allergy. The truth is, I think it is partly all of these things. Regardless, it is clearly an inflammatory condition. It follows that whatever anti-inflammation practices you have up your sleeve will help with your skin, and also most likely your hair, digestion, breathing, sleep, and emotions, behavior and general outlook as well. Ok, I will add this to my list of future posts.
5. Exfoliate and then shmear. When I take a shower, I wait till after I’ve dealt with my hair and all so that my skin has softened a bit. Then I scrub that chicken with a nylon brush. (OK, I can hear you peanut gallery! ) After the shower I dry off, do my powder and essential oil blend in the armpit thing, and then before my skin gets a chance to really dry out again I shmear it with my Touchy Skin salve. I do have to wait a minute for it to absorb before I get dressed, but this is the thing that really works for me. In the meantime I deal with my hair…I see another post from me in your future.
So there you have it: five ways to chase that chicken across the road.
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